Unique Backdrops
8x8 hedge wall, is a unique backdrop option that creates an immediate relaxed outdoor vibe to any environment
Rents for $200 per day
6x8 hedge wall is a smaller option that gets the job done with a smaller footprint
Rents for $150 per day
Floral Wall
This floral wall, might be just the kind of wall that brings home your theme. The flowers are a beautiful pink, mauve, and purple colors mixed into greens. Photos don’t do it justice.
$200 per rental
Champagne Wall
Our champagne wall can be customized to meet any theme with a custom wood sign or a neon sign. The champagne wall holds 45 glasses and stands about 6 ft tall.
Rents for $150 per day
Shimmer Wall
Nothing says grand faster than a shimmer wall. It looks great in pictures, but it’s even more spectacular in person.
Rents for $200 per day
7 ft gold Cirlce Backdrop
This circle backdrop shows gold in the exposed areas, stands 7 ft tall and requires 21 ft of balloons to complete the full circle.
$60 per day rental
5 ft gold circle arch
Our 5ft circle arch, is versatile. The frame is shorter but the designs can be just as impactful for any event. To cover the full frame, 16 feet of balloons.
Rents for $60 per day
Circle arch with cover
Our 7ft circle arch can have almost any cover custom print, with enough notice.
Other Options, not pictured
hexagon frame
wood circle arch
Rattan Shelfing
This shelf is about 6.5-7ft tall, it’s a great addition to a boho party or more floral theme. Think of it as a way to hold goodie bags, themed decor, or treats!
Rents for $75 per rental
SunRise Rattan Divider
The divider, when you have a small space but still want to bring home the theme. The rattan divider is perfect.
$50 per rental period