Rocket Man Balloon Bouquet


Blast off into celebration with our "Rocket Man Balloon Bouquet" – the perfect surprise for the cutest little astronaut in your life! Whether it's a birthday, space-themed party, or a special occasion for your aspiring astronaut, this bouquet adds a playful and whimsical touch.

  • Features astronaut foil balloon (1), star shaped foil balloons (2), foil balloons printed with “Happy Birthday” messages (2)

  • Mix of silver and blue premium latex balloons (11 in)

  • Expertly tied to a balloon weight for easy display 

  • Available for local delivery or pick up in Pasadena

Make your celebration truly out-of-this-world with our "Rocket Man Balloon Bouquet." Order now and let the adventure begin!

Made and designed by Jovial Events & Rentals

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Blast off into celebration with our "Rocket Man Balloon Bouquet" – the perfect surprise for the cutest little astronaut in your life! Whether it's a birthday, space-themed party, or a special occasion for your aspiring astronaut, this bouquet adds a playful and whimsical touch.

  • Features astronaut foil balloon (1), star shaped foil balloons (2), foil balloons printed with “Happy Birthday” messages (2)

  • Mix of silver and blue premium latex balloons (11 in)

  • Expertly tied to a balloon weight for easy display 

  • Available for local delivery or pick up in Pasadena

Make your celebration truly out-of-this-world with our "Rocket Man Balloon Bouquet." Order now and let the adventure begin!

Made and designed by Jovial Events & Rentals

Balloon Bouquet (Latex 11 inch)
Number of Balloons:
Foil Balloon Numbers (Helium)
Vinyl for Balloon

Blast off into celebration with our "Rocket Man Balloon Bouquet" – the perfect surprise for the cutest little astronaut in your life! Whether it's a birthday, space-themed party, or a special occasion for your aspiring astronaut, this bouquet adds a playful and whimsical touch.

  • Features astronaut foil balloon (1), star shaped foil balloons (2), foil balloons printed with “Happy Birthday” messages (2)

  • Mix of silver and blue premium latex balloons (11 in)

  • Expertly tied to a balloon weight for easy display 

  • Available for local delivery or pick up in Pasadena

Make your celebration truly out-of-this-world with our "Rocket Man Balloon Bouquet." Order now and let the adventure begin!

Made and designed by Jovial Events & Rentals

Orders placed via our website must be ordered with at least 48 hours notice, to allow for creation and process, as well as delivery. For urgent requests please call our store directly at (626)766-2304 and we can assist you.
Delivery fee within Pasadena for your order is $20.
Our delivery times are available every day of the week, from Monday through Sunday. Pick up in-store hours are between 7am and 7pm. 
If you have a special custom request for your order we can help you make it extra special, just give us a call.
DISCLAIMER: If you choose to come pick up your order, please ensure that you have adequate space in your vehicle to accommodate transporting your order. Once the balloon is out of our hands we are no longer responsible for the balloon.